Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Rants, Raves and Rambles

So, here goes, my first official post.

I thought I'd just write this on how my day went seeing as it's relevant to me and maybe some of you will find it amusing or agree with me.

First of all, on my way into town today I heard Shakira's new song (called Empire, I believe) on the radio. Do you ever listen to a song and think ok, it's alright, but then you really listen to it and you're like.....what?! That's the case with this song. Fair enough, she really likes this guy or whatever, but I sincerely hope when he touches her she doesn't make the appalling noises she makes in the song! The poor guy would be wondering what he inflicted upon her.

I'm also currently learning to drive (no mean feat, considering I started with absolutely no experience). I had my 5th driving lesson today and it didn't go as well as I'd hoped. After feeling I achieved a lot in my lesson on Monday I was disappointed with myself after today's lesson. I'm a perfectionist, which can be both a good and a bad thing. Today it was a bad thing, because I felt as though I let myself down by making silly mistakes - although I'm sure my driving wasn't too bad. Luckily I have a great driving instructor (if you're in Sligo and you're thinking of getting driving lessons check him out here) who does his best to try not to look too terrified while I'm driving (just joking, I'm not that bad - I hope...)

Now if I could just find an insurance company who have a little faith in an 18-year-old learner driver I'd be flying it!

On a completely different note, I wish the weather would decide what it's doing. One minute it's like living in the Costa del Sol (maybe a slight exaggeration) and the next it's sub-zero. 

I think that's about all I have to say for today. Feel free to comment and follow and all that jazz, it's nice to know people are reading. Also, if there's anything you'd like me to write about on the blog feel free to let me know - within reason of course!

Until next time..


  1. Great first 'official' blog, Lucy. Sure you'll be gaining more confidence in your driving soon!
