Today I wanted to blog about something (admittedly something very trivial) that annoyed me. I was perusing Facebook when I noticed someone posting about a 'new invention' - a sort of sheet-like monstrosity that you use/wear/lie on in bed to avoid your fake tan staining your sheets. Fair enough, some people may think this is a great idea and it may save a lot of innocent bedsheets, but in reality it looks like a sheet of brown paper (and who wants to feel like a wrapped-up sandwich from the deli in bed? Not very relaxing) and I see absolutely no point in paying for something so pretentious when you could just shove a towel on your sheets or wear black/old pyjamas and be done with it.
The comments underneath also irked me. Guys complaining about girls being 'too fake nowadays' for wanting to look sunkissed and girls who were fortunate enough to already look like they come from Barbados lashing out at those of us who enjoy wearing fake tan.
Now, I have nothing against being pale, I think it's beautiful, but I personally enjoy being tanned if I'm going out or going to a special event. I don't think anyone needs to see my pasty legs out in full force. I just wish women wouldn't be so quick to judge other women just for slapping on some brown goo. Instead of being so hateful we should empower each other. End of inspirational speech.
Saying that, I have had a few unfortunate fake tan incidents - the most notable one being when I put on my fake tan, realised I had to go to the bathroom afterwards, and hadn't been informed that there was bleach on the toilet seat, which turned my tan green. Cue walking around with an arse and the backs of my thighs looking like something out of Shrek (sorry for the images). Not very attractive...
Anyway, I'll stop ranting - for now.
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