Saturday, 30 August 2014

Getting My Sh*t Together

Excuse the rudey title, I just felt as though it was most fitting for this blog. Lately I've had a spurt (what a horrible word) of productiveness. I know, I know, what's wrong with me?! 

As summer is drawing to a close - I refuse to go by the Gaelic calendar that says autumn is here already - I have made the belated decision to sort my life out a bit more. I've started to eat healthier, organise my room more, have a wardrobe clearout and yesterday I even went for a walk. I really must be feeling unwell.

I've also made the decision to stop worrying about what category my blog is in. After finding out my blog didn't get shortlisted in the Blog Awards I went through a bit of a huffy what's-the-point-who-am-I-really phase blogwise. As much as I like doing the 'funny' personal blogs, I don't want to pigeonhole my blog into just doing those kind of posts. I want this blog to be like my journal, my mind - a hodgepodge of everything I like. Blogging about what I enjoy is more real to me. So if you see more recipes, DIY posts or beauty/fashion posts, rest assured I'm not changing my blog - just improving it to my liking. I think that's better for both me and those of you who read the blog.

Anyway, I digress. Here are some good tips for sorting your life (or just your room) out:

* Have a wardrobe clearout every so often. I usually do it when the seasons change. Spring/summer clearout and autumn/winter clearout. Open the window - unless it's bloody freezing - put on a playlist (dancing along badly optional) and feck everything out of your wardrobe. Try it all on. If it doesn't fit, give it away. If you bought it 2 years ago with the philosophy 'I'll make it fit' and it still doesn't fit, give it away. If you can't remember the last time you wore it and don't think you can make it work, give it away. Bonus: it's good karma to give to charity and you now have an excuse to buy more clothes. Win/win!

* Collect some jars. Now, don't become like one of those people off of Extreme Hoarders and keep every single empty jam jar, but acquire a few pretty/unusually shaped ones. Tk Maxx and most homeware and hardware shops usually have a good jar selection. I'm so sad I actually get really excited when I find a nice jar. They're just so versatile; put any spare change in them and make a jar piggybank - it really adds up - put bobby pins in them (those little feckers all disappear the day after you buy a pack of 100) or create a treat jar to put some sweets in. If you're trying to eat less sweets or if you have children this is a great incentive - if you/they do something good, have a sweet from the jar. I find it harder to eat tons of sweets out of a jar than from a bag.

Jar: B&M.

* Collect unusual storage items. Now, I don't mean animal skulls and empty sardine tins, I mean items that aren't meant for storage but do the job: ceramic baking dishes (I store rings in one), nice plates (great for holding hair accessories or jewellery) and again, jars. They add a nice quirky touch to a room and look more unique than acrylic jewellery holders.

Ceramic baking dish and heart shaped plate: both B&M.

So there's a few ideas for you if you're bored and feeling at a lose end in terms of productivity. Give it a go - it might clear your head as well as clearing your room.

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