Saturday, 19 November 2016

Beauty Review: Penneys P.S. Beauty Brush Cleaning Mitt

Phew, that was a bit of a mouthful, wasn't it?

I don't do many beauty type posts, even though I am a bit of a beauty aficionado. Laurence claims I have enough makeup to sink a ship but I disagree. After all, there are lots of days in a year and each one requires a different makeup look, obviously.

Anyway, along with lots of makeup comes lots of makeup brushes, which is good and bad. Good because I love makeup brushes and bad because it's a pain in the arse to wash them, quite truthfully, and I don't do it half as often as I should. Oops.

I've decided lately that has to change. I don't think it's doing my skin any good by using dirty makeup brushes, and it's nice to have clean brushes anyway. They're much easier to work with when they're not caked with makeup - who'd have guessed?!

Whilst on my thrice-weekly (ha) trip to Penneys, I went to the beauty section as usual and was delighted to find a black silicone brush cleaning mitt. Seeing as it was only €2.50 I decided there was no harm in trying it and popped it in my basket. 

I left it unopened for a few days (you have to sneak up on cleaning your makeup brushes, they can smell fear) and finally decided to complete the arduous task. I chose a few of my dirtiest brushes and set to work with the unassuming cleansing mitt. I noticed the mitt had lots of textured lumps and bumps for getting right in there with the brushes. 

I applied baby shampoo - you can use any brush cleanser though - to the mitt, a little bit of water and then swirled my brushes around. I'm not kidding, it was like magic. The dirt just fell off the brushes and the textured mitt was perfect for scrubbing off every trace of makeup. Even the really dirty foundation brushes weren't a problem for this little beaut - I had all my brushes washed in a fraction of the time it usually takes. Result.

Overall, for the price this thing is amazing. The Sigma one may look a bit fancier and prettier but at €30+ it's not cheap, and I've heard the Penneys one gives it a run for its money. For €2.50 you really can't go wrong - give it a go.

Have you tried out this nifty little brush mitt or any other P.S. Beauty bits?

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