Sunday, 16 April 2017

Tan Tales: Bellamianta Tanning Lotion Review

If you know what I look like in person, you'll know that I'm as white as Caspar the Friendly Ghost. I reflect light when I go on sunny holidays, all 'Ivory' foundations look like Wotsit dust on me, and small children run screaming when I walk down the street. Just joking about that last bit - sort of. The point is, I am ghostly pale, and mostly I'm cool with it and embrace my pale skin but sometimes I want a little bit of a glow, usually if I have a big night out or an event. 

I won a Bellamianta Medium tanning lotion a while back in a hamper, and decided to finally give it a go. Bellamianta have been all over the bloggersphere recently and are said to be excellent tans so I was excited to try it. I usually use Cocoa Brown or St Moriz mousse when I do tan, so using a lotion was a bit of unfamiliar territory for me.

I put on some Cocoa Brown tanning gloves and a mitt and got to work with the lotion. I'm a devil for not exfoliating and moisturising my skin because, effort, but I did use some Cocoa Brown Chocolate Whip moisturiser beforehand, and I found the lotion blended in perfectly even though my skin was still a little bit dry. It smelt pleasant (no gross biscuity smell) and the colour looked nicely golden brown without being too brown. I enlisted in the help of my boyfriend to help me put tan on my back and he actually did a pretty good job even though you know what lads are like when it comes to tanning!

I applied my tan during the day so that I didn't ruin the sheets (I'm also known to, erm, drool in my sleep so I didn't want any snail trails down my neck #TMI) so I popped on a loose black outfit and went about my day. I waited about 4 hours before washing it off but I could have done with leaving it on longer. The end result was a nice, subtle golden brown colour which made me look a bit healthier but not totally Tango'd.

Top: My arm after the tanning lotion. Bottom: My left leg is before tan, my right leg is after the tan.

I was very impressed with the lotion overall, although I am still a tanning mousse kinda gal. Again, I'd definitely leave the lotion on overnight next time - snail trails and all. I have a wedding next Thursday which I want to tan for so I'll definitely be giving the Bellamianta Tanning Lotion another go for then! Hope you enjoyed this post and as always, feel free to follow and comment.

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