Friday, 11 July 2014

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

I thought I'd do a bit of a different post today. I guess you could see it as a chance to get to know me better. Or just a chance to see how fussy I am.

This post is gonna be about trivial things that make me tick and things that make me sick, hence the title. Disclaimer, if you are easily offended (which, if you read my blog, I should hope you aren't) and do any of the following things that annoy me, don't take it to heart. I'm sure you're a lovely person, just with disgusting habits.

The Good - Things I've Been Loving Lately

The library. Bit random, I know, but I recently went to the library after having not been for eons and it was an enlightening experience - mainly because one of the assistants (if Cupid was a person he would be this guy) was all too keen to help me get sorted (with my library card, get your minds out of the gutter). I am secretly hoping one day I'll be sitting in the library and my life will suddenly turn into Pretty Little Liars - minus all the murdering - and the guy of my dreams will approach me and admire how artsy and intelligent I am. Pffft.

'Not my circus, not my monkeys'. My favourite phrase nowadays, introduced to me by my mother. I've found myself getting a little bit too stressed over how idiotic some people are. The way some people are treating this whole Garth Brooks situation like it's the end of the world has probably given me premature high blood pressure. When I find my blood boiling I calmly say to myself; 'not my circus, not my monkeys'. It's better than doing yoga, probably.

The Fault In Our Stars. For those of you who don't read anything but the back of the Cornflake box or if you've been living under a rock, The Fault In Our Stars is a Young Adult fiction novel by John Green. I read the book last year and was very excited when I heard about the film adaptation. I won't spoil anything but it's a heartwrenching story. However, I was adamant I wouldn't cry at the film - the only film I've ever cried at is Marley & Me. Alas, I left the cinema like a sobbing wreck. When it finished Bethany turned to me and said; 'What kind of movie did you take me to see?' Still, aside from the emotional turmoil, it was a beautifully done film and I recommend you see it while it's still in cinemas.

The Bad - Things I Hate

Odd sandwich choices. This makes me irrationally angry. I lose a bit of respect for people who eat coleslaw in sandwiches. Coleslaw is a side, it's not designed to be put in sandwiches. It's meant to be enjoyed on its own, not undermined by two slices of bread. I don't think very highly of egg salad sandwiches either. And potato salad sandwiches are just a whole other ballgame. I also subconsciously judge people on what they get on their Subway sandwich, but in fairness, I get such a boring Subway I probably get judged too. I'll never forget the day I got avocado on my sub and someone looked at me like I'd just asked for human remains.

The lack of facilities in the cinema. I said to Bethany when we were in the cinema the other night, why aren't there wee tables on the back of the cinema seats like they have on aeroplanes? Too many times I've set my popcorn down on the floor only to trip over it or have someone else trip over it and send half of it spiralling down the aisle. There's nothing more depressing than floor popcorn. By the way, if anyone steals this idea and patents it as their own, I hope you knock your popcorn over everytime you go to the cinema.

The Downright Ugly

Crocs. Need I say more?

I could go on and on but then this blog would turn into a book. What can I say, I'm easily annoyed.

1 comment:

  1. Well written and so true about the...
    'Not my circus, not my monkeys'
