Thursday, 18 June 2015

First Impressions

As some of you may know, a while ago I popped along to David McConville Orthodontics in Quayside, Sligo, to have a consultation for braces. For as long as I can remember I've been uncomfortable with my crooked, overcrowded teeth and I was fed up of having to hide my mouth behind my hand any time I laughed, smiled or even yawned. I decided to bite (ha) the bullet and go for Invisalign braces. Invisalign seemed to be the best choice for subtlety, aesthetics and comfortable treatment. I won't lie, the thought of traditional braces scared me a bit!

After some gruelling necessary dental work, I was finally able to get my impressions (moulds) done for the Invisalign aligners - yesterday was the big day. I was a little apprehensive as I'd read some horror stories about neon goo running down people's throats. Probably not the best idea to look it up before getting it done...

I walked into the bright, clean and stylish clinic that David McConville is known for and waited to be seen. First things first I needed a full x-ray. A lovely dental nurse led me into a side room that contained a machine that looked like it was out of a space station. I had to stand under the hood of the machine and hold onto two handlebars whilst biting onto a piece of plastic. The nurse pressed a few things and after a few beeps and a bit of whirring and swivelling, the full mouth x-ray was done. I won't lie, it was pretty tech-y and cool!

(P.S sorry for the photos, it's hard to look attractive when you have a bit of plastic in your mouth and someone poking green goo in there!)

After my x-ray I was led into another sideroom and got a photoshoot. I had to smile and get pictures from all angles (I dread to think what those photos look like), then lie down and hold my gums apart with two plastic yokes that looked a bit like ice cream scoops. Sounds unpleasant but I promise the most unpleasant bit was knowing I had a double chin going on when I was lying down.

Then it was time for the real action to begin. David greeted me and after a few pictures (and David complaining about being in them) I relaxed into the massaging dental chair (still haven't gotten over that). He started by having a quick check of my teeth and then got me to bite down hard onto a retainer filled with putty, top and bottom. After pressing down to make sure the shapes of my teeth were embedded into the putty, it was onto the second (and last) stage. The dental nurse piped neon green goo into the plastic retainers, which were then placed into my mouth and pressed hard against my teeth. I'm being totally honest when I say I didn't feel uncomfortable one bit, and you know how bad I am with dental work. David held the retainers against my teeth for a couple of minutes and then prised it off. The only thing to note is there is a little bit of pressure and a slight 'pop' as they come off as the putty is sealed pretty tightly to your teeth, but there was absolutely no pain or discomfort. David has such a pleasant and calm disposition so it's easy to feel comfortable in his presence.

David told me to have a rinse as I had some green goo on my face/lip like I'd just been to a rave, and then he said I was all done. I was so amazed how quickly the whole process was, the moulds took only took about 10 minutes! 

Now all that's left to do is wait. The moulds are sent to the Invisalign labs and the aligners take around 7 weeks to arrive so my next appointment is the end of July. If you're thinking of taking the plunge and getting braces be sure to keep an eye on my blog and I'll keep you updated!

Check out David McConville here.


  1. Hey Lucy, big fan of your witty blog here! Would love to get invisalign due to years of thumb sucking as a kid (the shame!). Would you mind saying how much invisalign costs.I know every case is different, but would love to get a ballpark idea before I contemplate rading my piggy bank! Thank you!

  2. I cant wait to read more of your journey! I'm really hoping to get braces aswell, I've always wanted them as I really dislike my teeth at the moment! Fingers crossed im able to get them soon. invisalign seems like the perfect choice! :)
